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Weekly Newsletter

March 22, 2024

Headmaster’s Welcome

Dear Parents and Guardians,


It is hard to believe that next week is the end of term, the evenings are getting longer and weather is warmer which helps lift everybody’s spirits.

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I would like to thank all the parents who have contributed to the annual parent survey and I would like to remind you that the closing date for this is midnight tonight. If you haven’t already completed it, please do so. The more parents who complete this the better. I will then write to you with the outcomes of the survey in the first half of next term.


Sadly, I was unable to attend the Year 10 Drama examination performances on Tuesday night but the feedback I got was that the pupils did very well..


The presenter at the Pengelly Society evening yesterday, Ben Smith, gave an excellent talk.  He suffered a stroke at the age of 29 and has subsequently run no less than 401 marathons in 401 days to raise money for charity.


On Tuesday next week, there are Mental Health Talks for pupils who did not have the talks last year. These are always thought provoking and greatly appreciated by the pupils. The speaker is Jenny Langley from The Charlie Waller Trust.


Our Gold Duke of Edinburgh pupils depart for the Lake District at 9am on Thursday 28th March and term ends at 5.00 pm.


As companies up and down the country approach the end of their tax year, I came across this quotation the other day which made me smile. “A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing right”.


Have a good weekend.


Yours sincerely,


Francie Healy


Latest Bethany Blog

The latest Bethany Blog of the Spring Term has been written by Mrs Hill,  Deputy Head – Academic, at Bethany School. She writes about developing pupils creativity, curiosity, and resilience in preparation for their future lives in a rapidly changing world.

Embedding 21st Century Learning Skills

At Bethany, we are committed to nurturing pupils to develop their creativity, curiosity, and resilience in preparation for their future lives in a rapidly changing world.


As a school, we have begun to explore how we can embed the 21st century learning skills of collaboration, knowledge construction, self-regulation, real world problem solving and innovation, skilled communication, and the use of technology for learning into the curriculum.


Last week, Year 7 were challenged to successfully work as part of a team to create and market an original pizza concept that could be served during school lunch, as well as presenting their work to an audience. This exciting project followed the pilot project that we ran with Year 8 in the Autumn term in which they came up with the plans for a garden design for the old swimming pool space. These projects give pupils a meaningful context to learn about and develop 21st century learning skills over the week of an amended timetable, preserving PE, Games, PSHCE, DLS, Clubs and Activities in their usual times.




In the lessons that were dedicated to working on the project, the Year 7s worked hard to develop ideas, create marketing materials, and prepare presentations. They demonstrated some excellent team work and negotiation skills. Year 7 parents were invited to view the project outcomes as part of the Year 7 parent teacher meeting, which included the opportunity to sample the pizzas they had created.



This is not the end of our work to develop pupils as 21st century learners. Year 9 will be challenged to complete a project during Diversity Week in the summer term, and staff will continue to work collaboratively to explore how these important skills can be further built into subject curriculums, so watch this space!


Mrs Hill

Deputy Head – Academic

Latest Sports News

The latest sports news from Bethany School. This week saw the U13 girls’ football team make history, whilst the U16 football team had a National Cup South semi final clash.


Sophie had netball success outside of school, whilst the U15 netball teams were also in action. There was an interhouse tournament for the Bethany U13 netball players and our hockey teams wrapped up their respective seasons.

Football | Bethany U13 v Radnor House

History Makers!



Bethany School’s First Ever Girls Football Match


A week on from taking part in the biggest ever football session, inspired by the Football Association on International Women’s Day, the U13 Girls’ football team created history on Friday 15th March 2024, by becoming the first ever girls’ football team to play a competitive match in Bethany School’s 158-year existence.


From the team’s first Thursday lunchtime session in November 2023, the U13 football team have shown fantastic commitment, support, and encouragement to each other along the way.


For Bethany, the result against an established Radnor House side was immaterial because of what the team had already achieved. Match day proved to be an exciting occasion, with lots of laughs, music (with plenty of touchline singing of the team’s playlist!) and good football.



Bethany’s goal was one for the purest as opposed to all those scored by Radnor House. Late in the first half, the defence stopped another Radnor House attack and broke away down the right-hand side of the pitch. Isobel Andrews, who had taken up a good place wide on the right, received a good pass in behind the Radnor defence. Isobel sent over an excellent cross into the Radnor penalty area for Juniper Ambrose-Gordon to prod the ball home into the bottom left-hand corner of the goal. The combination of Juniper’s well-timed run and Isobel’s clinical cross made it the best goal of the match.


A very special mention and huge thank you to Maisie Frankum, Year 10, who has been an excellent role model for the team by giving up her Thursday lunchtimes to support, coach and help develop the team.


In another powerful statement of the strength of girls’ sport at Bethany School, exciting times lie ahead for this team and for all the other girls’ teams that will hopefully follow in their footsteps.


Final score: Bethany 1-9 Radnor House

Players of the Match: The whole team – Olivia Garrett, Juniper Ambrose-Gordon, Axelle Delzechi, Isabelle Goodall, Ciara Carnegie, Holly Sole, Darcy Stone, Millie Liddiard, Millie Flanders, Immy Morgan, Betsy Spruce and Isobel Andrews.

Coaches Choice: Maisie Frankum – For her dedicated support of the team’s development.

Football | Bethany U16 v Milton Abbey

The stage was set for an intense showdown as Bethany squared off against Milton Abbey in the semi-final of the National Cup (South) on a tense Tuesday afternoon. Facing an organised and well-drilled Milton Abbey side, Bethany knew they had to bring their A-game to secure a spot in the final.


Right from the kick-off, Bethany stamped their authority on the game, dominating possession with a calm and composed demeanour. It quickly became apparent that exploiting the left wing, with the electric pace and skill of Ben Henry, would be the key to breaking down Milton Abbey’s defence.


Ben’s performance in the first half was nothing short of spectacular, consistently beating the opposition’s right-back and delivering dangerous crosses into the box. His efforts paid off when a pinpoint cross found Rasan Bamoki, who expertly guided a header into the bottom corner, sending Bethany into a well-deserved 1-0 lead.


Despite controlling the game, Bethany missed several chances to extend their lead, failing to capitalise on their opportunities. Milton Abbey took advantage of Bethany’s profligacy, equalising just before halftime to level the score at 1-1.


The second half began with Milton Abbey gaining momentum, applying pressure, and earning multiple dangerous free kicks on the edge of Bethany’s box. However, Bethany’s defence stood firm, denying their opponents any clear-cut chances.


The turning point came when Rasan Bamoki unleashed a thunderous strike into the top left-hand corner, restoring Bethany’s lead and shifting the momentum back in their favour. With the shackles off, Bethany’s attacking prowess came to the fore, with Rasan adding two more goals to his tally, completing his hat-trick in the process.


To cap off a remarkable display, Toby Castle scored a sensational free kick, rifling the ball into the top right-hand corner, leaving the opposition goalkeeper with no chance.


The final whistle blew, signalling Bethany’s emphatic victory and booking their place in the National Cup (South) Final. This outstanding performance was a testament to the team’s unity, skill, and determination, deserving of their spot in the final.


Final score: Bethany 5-1 Milton Abbey

Player of the Match: Rasan Bamoki – for his clinical finishing and overall impact on the game, scoring four crucial goals.

Coaches Player of the Match: Ben Henry – for his outstanding contribution on the left wing, causing constant problems for the opposition defence.

Netball | Sophie Wins County Championship

A huge congratulations goes to Sophie, in Year 9, and her team at Langton Green Netball Club on winning the title of ‘U14 Netball County Champions’.



After an intense season in the league, the U14 squad have been crowned winners. The girls went into the final match day knowing what was required of them and set about their task of going for goals, a 66-6 win eventually securing them top spot on goal average.


Amazing news – very well done Sophie!

Netball | U13 Interhouse | Roberts v Kiplings v Speakers

Roberts v Kiplings


Roberts got off to a good start with Isobel Andrews at GA scoring the only goal of the first half. Kiplings, however, made a come back in the second half with Matty Clark and Holly Sole working hard to bring the ball into the attack end and Nelly Adams getting some good shots in under the post. Final score 2-1 to Kiplings.

Speakers v Kiplings


Missed goals by Speakers in the first half were capitalised on by Kiplings with the first half finishing 2-0 to Kiplings. Tula Cottingham got her eye in during the second half for Speakers and quickly scored 3 goals. An unfortunate disallowed goal by Millie Lucas in the last few minutes for Kiplings, meant Speakers kept the lead winning the game 3-2.

Speakers v Roberts


Speakers had now found their flow with Betsy Spruce and Isobella Goodall proving strong in defence and intercepting the ball. Juniper Ambrose Gordon at GS/GA showed some great movement around the circle and scored a good mid-range shot. For Roberts, Darcey Stone and Immy Morgan did well to bring the ball into attack but some unfortunate missed shots gave Roberts the win, 3-0.

Final result


1st – Speakers

2nd – Kiplings

3rd – Roberts

Netball | Bethany U15A v Dover College

This was the U15A’s last game of the season. Bethany took a convincing lead in the first quarter winning 11-1, with excellent defence from Ellie Turner and Maisie Frankum, but also picking up defensive possession throughout the court.


VIDEO: Maisie’s interception leads to a Bethany attack


The team played with more fluidity than in previous matches and capitalised on Dover College’s errors. By half time Bethany were 19-1 up, with some excellent feeding into the circle by other centre court combinations of Lily Dowling, Taylor Botha, Rose Pettit and Safi Chettier.


VIDEO: Olivia scores after an excellent team move


At half time, the team had a change of positions and played with a more versatile style. All players were out of their natural position, but gained a better understanding of their team mates roles.


The quarters were shortened due to limited time, so the third and fourth quarter were low scoring, with Bethany scoring twice and Dover College scoring once in each quarter.


Final score: Bethany 23–3 Dover College

Player of the Match: Olivia James

Coaches Player of the Match: Summer Stuart-Welch







Netball | Bethany U15B v Dover College

The Bethany squad of 9 players started very strong against a less experienced Dover College side.  After 10 minutes, Bethany had stormed ahead to a 13-0 lead with the ball barely making it to the Dover shooters.


Sophie Finnamore, Lily Marshall and Ruby Peters all made interceptions and Grace scored some impressive long shots.

The second half was played with more versatility, everyone playing out of position and they all did very well and was a great finish to the season!


A note from the coach: ”The score got a bit muddled as we alternated with the C team, who also played two halves, but the result was a resounding win!”


Final score: Bethany 20-3 Dover College

Player of the Match: Cecily Chettier

Coaches Player of the Match: Grace Holmes




Netball | Bethany U15C v Dover College

With lots of players missing on Tuesday, the U15C’s demonstrated their versatility against Dover College.


Beatrice Flanders and Evie Pope stepped into GS and GA, working the ball well into the circle and close to the post, where Bea showed great confidence and accuracy on the shot. In defence Karen Lee (GD), Isabelle Hickman (GK) and AJ Davis (WD) made a strong unit, all covering their players well. Izzy demonstrated great speed and reading of play, getting lots of tips on the ball and taking rebounds under the post.


The scoreline read 4-2 in the first half and 6-2 in the second to Bethany. Well done and a lot of improvement from the Cs this term!


Final score: Bethany 10–4 Dover College

Player of the Match: AJ Davis

Coaches Player of the Match: Beatrice Flanders and Isabelle Hickman




Hockey | Bethany U13A v King’s Rochester

For the last game of the season, the U13A team faced King’s Rochester at Marden. Due to the numbers of players available, it was 8 v 8 and played in quarters.


The first quarter was the time for the team to settle and establish how to move the ball against the King’s team. There was some really good defending and attacking in the first quarter which led to a ball moving towards Ollie in the D and a quick pass to Nico led to our opening goal.


The second quarter was more quiet, with no goals, but the play was exceptional. The passing and strong tackles from the back allowed for a handful of opportunities at a shot on goal.


The third quarter was much of the same, with a handful of opportunities on goal. One of which led to a conversion with Nico assisting Ollie for a good goal to make the lead 2-0.


For the last ten minutes of the game, the play only improved with movement of the ball around the different channels to find the best access to the goal. Another goal was scored in a similar fashion to the last two to make the final score 3-0 at the final whistle.


This final game was played very well by the team and the improvement from the first few games has been remarkable. Well done to everyone who has contributed and picked up a stick this season!


Final score: Bethany 3-0 King’s Rochester




Hockey | Bethany U13B v King’s Rochester

The U13B hockey team played their final match of the season, in almost summer like weather conditions, against a talented King’s Rochester side.


The King’s Rochester side probably edged things in a closely fought first quarter, but it was Bethany who took the lead through another a determined Oscar Hughes strike. Both teams fought well in the second and third quarters of the game, with Max Morgan making some excellent runs both on and off the ball. However, the score remained 1-0 going into the final quarter of the match.


Once again, Alfie Munthali had a strong game in defence, snuffing out several of the King’s Rochester attacks along with sweeping the ball forward to start quick counter attacks for Bethany. James Cheesbrough also had a good game in defence, not only stopping opposition attacks but anticipating the early passes from King’s Rochester so they couldn’t even get an attack going.


King’s Rochester pushed hard for an equaliser but were thwarted on several occasions by some fine saves from goalkeeper Stephen Kakouris. As King’s Rochester went looking for their goal, it left them exposed in defence and Bethany took advantage and secured the win with two more goals. The goals came from Max Morgan (a fine strike to beat the goalkeeper at the near post) and another for Oscar Hughes (whom had he not been so generous to his teammates could have scored even more goals).


And so, the first successful season of the U13B’s hockey team comes to an end having played 6, won 5 and drawn 1…unbeaten! There is a lot too look forward to next year!


Final score: Bethany 3-0 King’s Rochester

Player of the Match: Oscar Hughes – For his determination to score and always taking up good positions in attack. His high goal tally for the season was impressive.

Coaches Player of the Match:

Alfie Munthali and James Cheesbrough – For strong defensive performances.

Stephen Kakouris – For keeping another clean sheet.





Hockey | Bethany U13C v King’s Rochester

The U13C team travelled to Holcombe Hockey Club on Wednesday afternoon to play King’s School, Rochester.


In a competitive first half, both teams played a good level of hockey, with swift passing and good close control stick work to create attacks. When called upon, the team’s defensive players tackled well and set up attacking plays with width and accuracy. Bethany did edge the later stages of the half with excellent play by Andrew Stubblefield on several occasions, dribbling with the ball, beating players and passing into the D for the forwards runs. Felix Hardie had several well worked attempts on goal very well saved by the Rochester goalkeeper, while Hamish Henderson and Harry Russell were excellent in defence. The first half ended 0-0.


The second half developed into a very exciting end-to-end match with both teams running themselves all over the pitch. Both teams created good opportunities to score the opening goal, but were thwarted by some fine keeping in both nets. Three superb saves as the ball bounced around the D by the Rochester keeper kept Rafferty Mahoney, Andrew Stubblefield and Toby Chapman all from scoring. In the blink of an eye, Rochester were attacking and a replica of superb reaction keeping by debutant Daniel Stroude in the Bethany goal kept Rochester from taking the lead.


The match finished 0-0 and was a fair result in a very exciting game where both teams pushed for goals with good hockey play, but were met with determined defensive tackles and fine keeping.


Final score: Bethany 0-0 King’s Rochester

Player of the Match: Andrew Stubberfield and Harry Russell

Coaches Player of the Match: Daniel Stroude








Hockey | Bethany U13D v King’s Rochester

Bethany travelled to King’s Rochester on Wednesday afternoon in their final game of the season.


Bethany dominated from the first whistle transferring the ball brilliantly across the pitch from one side to the other.


Rollo Jenson scored the first goal to give Bethany the lead, whilst Freddie and Frank Cavill worked as a brilliant centre back pairing, making it impossible for King’s to score.


Bethany won the match comfortably and it was a great end to a brilliant season for the team.


Final score: Bethany 2-0 King’s Rochester

Player of the Match: Frank Cavill

Coaches Player of the Match: Callum Rae

Bethany Elite Football Pathway

We are delighted to announce that we are launching the Bethany Elite Football Pathway in September 2024.


With our partners at Maidstone United Football Club, this programme is aimed at pupils in Years 9 and 10 who are exceptionally skilled in football and are on target to become elite footballers whilst, at the same time, wishing to pursue a strong academic education.

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Initially open to boys in Years 9 and 10, the Elite Football Pathway will also be expanded to include all ages and both sexes in the coming years.


Players have the unique opportunity to register and play with age group specific teams at our local professional football club, Maidstone United. This will involve weekly training sessions with their Maidstone United teammates, where pupils will learn advanced skills enabling them to unlock potential and take their game to the next level. Players will also get individualised video analysis from their performance in every match, focusing on how to improve their technical and tactical game.



Specialised training sessions for those in the Elite Football Pathway will take place in Maidstone on Tuesday and Thursday evenings with Maidstone Academy coaches as well as Friday afternoons at Bethany School. Matches will take place at weekends for the Maidstone United Academy teams.



Players in the Elite Football Pathway must be able to illustrate fitness characteristics that positively affect their performance in football and also demonstrate an excellent understanding of the sport. Pupils are expected to play all sports at Bethany School, with the ability to excel in football.


As a minimum, it is expected that an Elite Football Pathway applicant is playing competitive football to an ‘A team’ standard at school whilst pursuing their sporting development outside of school at a club, district and county level.



If you would like to find out more about the Bethany Elite Football Pathway, please click the button below.

Dancing Queen Photobooks


As part of the Young Enterprise Scheme at Bethany School, sponsored by Maslins, the Young Enterprise Team have put together a collection of photos of the Dancing Queen Production and placed them in ahardback book.


These are a collection of photos from dress rehearsalstaken by professional photographer Ali Tuson. The photobook is 8x 8” (inches) and wraps up the amazing production that was held earlier this term, providing you with the perfectmemento.

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A sample of the photobook can be found by click the button below, it includes all pages and a cast list. On the last page of the photobook there is a QR code leading you to our Instagram page, where you can find other products we are selling. We have tried to include everyone who has taken part in the Production including musicians, and we can only apologise if your child took part but is not included in the photobook. We were very much dependent on the photos provided. 


If you would like to buy a photobook, which we are selling at £24.99, please message our email address: with your child’s name; we will then send a follow up email including our payment details. 

Year 10 Drama Performances

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On Thursday evening our Year 10 GCSE pupils performed some outstanding pieces as part of their iGCSE Drama assessments.

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The assessments are worth 20% of the overall grade and included extracts from John Godbers “Bouncers”, Brecht’s “Mother Courage” and Evan Placey’s “Girls Like That”.


Pupils were marked on their ability to command the space, create convincing characters and build a rapport with the audience. The performances were superb and highlighted the excellent level our pupils can achieve.


For some of our pupils it was the first time they had performed in front of a live audience. Over 70 audience members, comprising of pupils, parents and staff filled the studio enabling the actors to get some excellent experience in theatre acting. We look forward to their next set of performances in May.


Mr Bolton

Director of Performing Arts

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Expressive Picasso Poetry

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Diving into the vibrant world of art and verse, Year 9 pupils had the opportunity to be expressive within their Picasso poetry. Inspired by the innovative spirit of Pablo Picasso, they explored unconventional forms and vivid imagery, igniting their creativity.


Having studied the Art piece “Guernica” by Picasso, Year 9 created some imaginative and descriptive poetry.

Read Year 9 Poems

Sophie F


Confused dreams feasted on terror,

Painted by Picasso without any error,

Portraits of cows, humans, and eyes,

And their expressions portray their demise,

Colours of nothing, white and black,

That emphasises their freedom from the painting of which they lack,

Helpless screams echoed from the painting with oil on canvas,

Which Picasso had painted in all its grandness,

The screams and torture are blocked out by a painter’s brush

As the silence is so loud,

And people gather around in a crowd,

All staring, and not in a rush.

Sebastian B


A city of no strategic military value.

It wasn’t an accessory or a purview.

The faces so sorry and sorrow.

Knowing there was no morrow or tomorrow.

Animals in Agony, so hollow and cold.

But Germans in Glory, with innocent’s gore.

Fire, full of eyes, they weren’t imminent.

Yet they still are gone and extinguished from this demesne.

Honor C E


I saw the fear in their eyes

they stare right through me, pleading for help

As I stood there motionless

I felt the floor give way beneath me

I wanted to scream but nothing came out

I saw my life flash before me, I was going to fall…

I felt my body go limp

there was darkness then light

Then I saw this figure; an angel?

Thomas E


The light in the room turned on. two women burst through the door.

A man fell up the stairs. A man lost a fight to a horse.

A bull broke down a wall. A woman screaming on the floor.

As the volcano smoked. The room broke.

A bull, a horse, man who is dead.

Three women watched it all.

The man who fell up the stairs.

Landed in a well.

Try as he might he cannot fight.

They all panic in the room tonight.

Oliver F


Ghastly imagination interpreted rather inquisitively,

Underestimated depiction of highly dramatic quality,

Elevated canvas, heightening scarce scenery, and deepened emotion,

Revelation of a historically treacherous event, tragic and unforeseen, paved in intrigue,

Neat and concise, juxtaposed with a concept of overwhelmingness and despair,

Irreversible, illusionary, confusion imprinted in an intricate fashion,

Conflict, controversial, battle of the highest accord, concealed, creative,

Abashed, emotion displayed, from forged faces of impeccably unique looks,

Verity H


This giant artwork covers a wall,

Luring over you, so very tall.

It’s many shapes in black and white,

Proceed to protest through the night.

Suffering and chaos close to a Spanish heart,

Inspired Pablo Picasso to create this piece of art.

The cubist images may seem meaningless,

But when the story is told, it shows through the canvas.

Don’t look at this painting as big in size,

But see it from Picasso’s eyes.

Hazeley K


Giants stamped on our town like a house of card

Un ending war was upon us

Every woman wailing over the bodies of their loved ones

Riddled corpses leaked blood onto the streets

Never ending they were

Imagination so wild

Calm was the day before

A genius alone can only re-assemble the jigsaw of bones

Lily M


The shapes and shadows of the fallen war,

The soulless lives within the gore,

The desperate lives of the ones who survived,

And the ones mourning their loved one’s demise,

The commotion of the dramatic situation,

And the scale of the Spanish disputation,

Evacuation of individuals,

And them leaving their partners in the past,

1938 and everyone is aghast,

The screams are hushed from the brush’s flush,

In black and white, were everyone’s trapped.

William S


The man lay there, stretched, but still.

He lay there, hoping the next morn shines on him.

But alas, the orange beam shone just beside his frame.

Tomorrow is another day.

After the cold winter, the man hoped for sunlight once gain.

It had finally dawned on him that this was his chance.

This was his day, Spring had retuned.

But of course, the suns gaze missed him by only just a glimpse.

He finally accepted the darkness, and hunkered down for another cold winter

Tomorrow is another day.

Boarders Conquer High Ropes Challenge

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Last weekend, boarders experienced the dizzy heights of our High Ropes Course – swinging, balancing, and conquering obstacles amidst the treetops.

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As the first rays of sunlight came through the Saturday morning mist, excitement brewed among the boarders of Bethany School.


Everyone was excited and ready to go on the high ropes course, that we are lucky to have right in the middle of campus, and boarders eagerly awaited their turn. In addition to the usual zip tour, they dared to take on the exhilarating leap of faith activity and the daunting challenge of scaling the caving ladder.


With perfect conditions setting the stage for adventure, spirits were high as they joined their group on this escapade right in their own backyard.


Meet Aragorn: Bethany’s EAL Star of The Week

Ms Rendall-Jones, Head of English as an Additional Language, has begun nominating pupils for EAL Star of the Week. This week’s star is Aragorn, from Hong Kong.


Ms Rendall-Jones caught up with Aragorn to ask a few questions about his time here at Bethany.

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Q. Tell us about your early education.

A. I studied in Hong Kong until Year 9 and then came to the UK in Year 10 in 2023. 


Q. How long have you been learning English?

A. Since kindergarten. It is kind of strange to say this but I prefer speaking English than Chinese. 


Q. How is Bethany different to school in your own country? 

A. The teachers. The teachers here always support every single pupil, even if they don’t teach you any lesson.   


Q. How do you feel about boarding?

A. Boarding is a very good thing for improving my independence skills. 


Q. What is your favourite part of boarding?

A. I can use other facilities during spare time, for example, the gym and swimming pool. 


Q. Are you able to use the school facilities during your spare time? If so, what?

A. I really love using the gym. Back at home I don’t have these facilities to keep me fit. 


Q. What is your favourite subject and why?

A. My favourite subject is Biology. I love to study how human body works. 


Q. What do you like to do in your spare time?

A. I like to chat with my parents or watch interesting YouTube videos. 


Q. What are you going to do after your time at Bethany?

A. Well, if I’m lucky I would love to continue my education in one of the big universities.  


Q. Where do you hope to be and doing what in five years’ time?

A. In five years I hope to become a zoologist and studying animals. 


Q. If you could take one thing from Bethany to your next place, what would it be?

A. My friends. I improve chatting with other people by being at Bethany school.  

Fundraising for Tanzania


Ms Rendall-Jones, Mr Duff and pupils taking part in this summers True Adventure trip to Tanzania have continued to be busy raising funds.

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The doughnut sale’s keep on rolling  – this week we raised £76 towards the Bethany fundraiser for a Tanzanian School.


Next Wednesday lunchtime there will be a Mystery Gift Bingo session in Room 11. It is 50p a go with all proceeds going to the Tanzania Fund. Any Full House wins a prize!


Please keep eye out for future events.


Our current total on our JustGiving page is as below and if you can donate please click the “Fundraising Page” button below.


Prayer Group

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