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We are thrilled to announce that our Young Enterprise Teams ACE and ASTRA won awards at this weeks Kent County Final of the Young Enterprise Awards. ACE won ‘The YE Journey Award’ and ASTRA won ‘Most Sustainable YE Company Award’.
On Wednesday 9th of May our two Young Enterprise companies, ACE and ASTRA, attended the Kent County final of the Young Enterprise competition held at University of Kent business centre in Canterbury.
Each team had to show the products they have been selling this year, on a trade stand, were visited on that trade stand by four judges, undertook a formal interview process, presented on the day to an audience the highlights of their YE experience, and submitted a detailed report two weeks before the event for the judges to look through.
As two other companies are competing remotely the results for best presentation and best company overall will not be known until next week. There were however three awards up for grabs on the evening, most sustainable company, most impressive YE journey, and best marketing campaign.
Deservedly ACE were awarded the journey trophy, for the incredible way they have developed as a company facing many difficulties throughout the year. They have learned so much about the power of teamwork, as evidenced by the way they competed fiercely in this competition, which didn’t seem likely just a few weeks ago.
ASTRA have had the most diverse array of ambitious products this year, many of which involved upcycling, such as their cork range that they sold at the Goudhurst Christmas fair. It was no surprise that they were awarded the trophy for most sustainable company, they too have had a brilliant year. Both companies should be so proud of themselves.
Mr Khan
Head of Young Enterprise Programme at Bethany School