Founded in 1866 by the Reverend Joseph Kendon, a Baptist minister, Bethany’s spiritual inheritance helps define our moral values today. Staying true to our roots, Bethany School remains a Christian community, with robust and strong moral values which underpin our educational ethos.
Bethany welcomes children of all faiths or none, and together they attend Chapel twice weekly, to allow the valuable time for quiet reflection and personal space in our fast-paced world. Services are led by our Chaplain along with the Headmaster, other members of staff and guest speakers.
In a world that moves ever faster with each passing day, we never overlook the importance of setting aside the time for quiet reflection and personal space. Our Chapel provides us all with the perfect setting in which to do so.
Our Chaplain, Paul Feesey, provides pastoral support to our school community, parents and extended families. He is also on hand to listen compassionately to any concerns our pupils may wish to discuss and to offer advice.