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Reflecting on the first term in Year 7 & 8

Miss Mills, Head of Year 7 & 8, reflects on the opening school term for new and returning pupils.

New beginnings were explored in assemblies with Ms Zhao’s Year 8 group considering how autumn brings forth the end of the year, at the same time offering new beginnings. Mrs Sturrock’s Year 7 group reflected on their start at Bethany and shared how initial worries have now given way to a sense of belonging and comfort at Bethany.

A new start has meant new friends for many and the importance of friendship as part of well-being was also covered. Pupils were given the opportunity to explore how to strengthen friendships, for example by showing appreciation for a friend and building trust as well as how to work out any problems or disagreements.

Mrs Harper’s tutor group planned, prepared and delivered an engaging and well presented assembly on neurodiversity with the message of celebrating strengths and accepting differences. We also focused on the Bethany Values of Kindness, Respect and Tolerance, with pupils collaborating to devise a Charter to acknowledge all members of our community.

In an increasingly online world these values must also apply to the use of technology. Mr Clough delivered an assembly on the Acceptable Use Policy which outlines how to use the IT system at Bethany responsibly, safely and with a focus on learning. Year 7 went on to consider how to live knowledgeably, responsibly and safely in a digital world and Year 8 examined reliable sources; the impact of algorithms and how to spot fake news.

The end of a half term brings reports and grades which have been published on the portal. Pupils in Year 7 have been introduced to the Habits of the Virtue of Learning which underpin effort scores while Year 8 have started the target setting process aiming high and identifying steps to success.

Our final assembly focussed on uniform and the introduction of a half termly ‘best dressed’ award. Each tutor will award 10 merits to the pupils who have been consistent in their efforts to follow the uniform policy. We explored the reasons why school uniform matters and pupils are encouraged to return with their uniform the best it can be.

All in all it has been a fantastic start to a very promising year and I hope everyone has a relaxing and restful half term.

Miss Mills,
Head of Year 7 & 8