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Home / Latest News / Bethany School Anti-Bullying Ambassadors: Update
Following on from Anti-Bullying Week, and the training to become Anti-Bullying Ambassadors which some pupils have undertaken, I would like to introduce the Bethany Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABA).
Lucas M, Lucy S, Zeb, Will P, Harrison S, Hannah M, AJ, Bea, India, Oscar H, Lewis St C B, Jago, Daniel R, William D, Keelan, Natasha R-S, Francesca B and Thomas E.
These pupils will be available to help anyone who is feeling like they need some support, or a space to go during lunchtimes. Room 11 in the Hayward building is being launched as The Room of Requirement. There will be a number of ABAs there every lunchtime, Monday to Friday. The Room of Requirement will be open from Monday 28th November. Come and say hello!