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Year 9 “Learn to Earn” Careers Event
Years 9 are at a critical point in their career journeys, the GCSEs they have decided upon will impact their future direction, whether they aim to pick particular A Level subjects or embark on an apprenticeship. On Wednesday 22nd June Young Enterprise delivered a day of workshops to our year 9 cohort. Pupils were given the opportunity to consider what they valued most in their lives and what a successful career might look like. They then practised their interview technique by completing a set of mock interviews.
Harrison Smith – “It was great and it gave me lots of confidence and showed me options for the future and how to spend money. It was great!!!”
Asma Shafaee – “I think the best and most helpful part of the Career events was the interview part. Because most teenagers work in different places and mostly have no experience, so this part gave you an idea for what to say if you need to interview for the first time. And also the income and salary part was pretty useful because you could know how much money you are spending and what job is the best for this much income.”
Rupert Fugler – “We learnt about many different careers and how the choices we make now will affect your future. We were able to take an annual salary, spend them on necessities and cut out expenses we don’t need”.
Mr Philbin, Biology Teacher