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Year 9 Activities – July 2022
This year it was great to get back to a normal end of year! The Year 9s threw themselves wholeheartedly into the Duke of Edinburgh tasks organised for them.
Day One was a chance to brush up on orienteering skills, to bond with their team and to learn how to use Trangias and shelters.
On Day Two, the pupils were bussed out to Matfield and they had to make their way back to school, along a specific route, using maps and compasses. There were a few challenges for some finding their way and a few friendships were tested but, with encouragement and advice from staff along the way, they all made it safely back to Bethany. After a meal and some relaxation, they were all in good spirits again, if a little tired and sore. Tents were set up, games were played and sleep was encouraged!
After breakfast and a pack up time on Day Three, pupils left from school in their groups to walk out and, passing through check points, successfully navigated their way to the finish point in Knox Bridge. From there, they were returned to school and able to enjoy their successes and stories with their friends.
This was a fantastic experience for all pupils and we are proud of how they responded throughout the week. As Head of Year, it was a fitting end to a wonderful year!
Thanks go to the wonderful staff team of Sherrick Hamilton, Adam Manktelow, Matt Payne, Clare Rendall, Sam Baker, Michael Willis, Simon Cuthbert and Gemma Mewett.
Jules Wareham
Head of Year 9