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Last Friday we were delighted to celebrate having our latest Year 7 pupils with us for 100 days.
Celebrations started in tutor groups where pupils were tasked with making trees with 100 leaves that described what they like most about Bethany School so far. There were a range of responses on a range of subjects, which included:
“I really love how supportive all of the teachers are. That is my favourite thing about Bethany School so far.”
“I really like that I have made so many new friends.”
“My first 100 days have been great. I got to represent Bethany by playing in the A team football matches, which is great! I’m really looking forward to what happens next!”
“The best thing is the food at lunchtime.”
“My favourite thing is all of the different enrichment activities.”
The 100 theme continued throughout the day in the various lessons that our Year 7 pupils had.
In History, pupils were asked to consider who they thought the most significant and influential person from the last 100 years was. Using the 5W’s: Who, What, Where, When and Why, pupils entered into enlightening discussions and people selected ranged from Albert Einstein to Pele!
Pupils in DLS were set the task of gathering or creating 100 jokes relating to school. There was a full range of quality, as you can imagine, and below are the top four jokes as picked by our DLS Department and pupils. All four jokes have been passed on to the Headmaster, just in case he’d like to use them in his weekly updates!
Why did the maths book look so sad?
Because it had so many problems.
– By Seb G
What did the ghost teacher say to his class?
Watch the board, while I’ll go through it again.
– By Freddie C and Felix H
Why is it impossible to learn the alphabet on a ship?
Because you’ll get lost at C.
– By Harry J
What did the pen say to the pencil?
So, what’s your point?!
– By Nelly A and Leon S
In Art, pupils were looking at the artist Roy Lichtenstein to help inspire their self portraits. To mark and celebrate 100 days at Bethany pupils had to include 100 dots in their self portraits. The Year 7 artists did a fantastic job in the 50 minute lesson and produced some lovely self portraits.
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In Languages, pupils spent time using the website ‘Unsplash’, an online image database. Pupils were set the challenge to find 100 photographs and images that they thought best represented the countries of the languages studied at Bethany School. Pupils found some excellent and unique images from China, France and Spain that will now be used to produce displays on the walls and in the corridors of the Modern Foreign Languages Department.
And finally, in English, pupils produced a piece of creative writing about Bethany School. Mrs Shapland, Head of English, received numerous excellent pieces with a variety of creative plots and stories, and would love to share two of her favourite’s…
100 Years at Bethany by Alfie B – A look into the future as Alfie describes what Bethany School is like for a pupil in 2123, including hover buses to get to and from school, learning Alienese, a complex language spoken through a set of clicks and ticks and even a cryogenically frozen Mr Healy, who is still the Headmaster!
Click here to read Alfie’s piece
Stuck at School by Matthew C – A ‘Dear Diary’ piece of writing that begins with the flickering of a light and everyone vanishing! After a couple of week’s stuck at Bethany School on their own, the writer finds a friend named Derek, but all is not what it seems…
Click here to read Matthew’s piece
100 days down, a lifetime of success ahead. Congratulations to all the Year 7’s at Bethany School, here’s to the next 100 days and beyond!