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This week’s update from the Headmaster

​​​​​​We had record numbers of pupils sit our entrance assessments for Year 7 on Saturday, and we held various scholarship assessments during the week. Thank you to our parents who continue to spread the good word about Bethany, you are clearly doing a great job.

I think we were all heartened at the beginning of this week when we heard that there is an effective vaccine that will be made available to the most vulnerable members of our society, either just before or just after Christmas. It is great to see light at the end of the tunnel.

I would like to once again emphasis just how important hand hygiene, social distancing and the wearing of face coverings are. It may be dull and boring to be repeating the same thing over and over again, but these are the only effective ways of dealing with COVID-19.

I received some very favourable feedback from the pupils on the Remembrance Assembly I created for them. Although we were not able to revere and pay our respects to those who died serving their country, the remote Remembrance Assembly was the next best thing.

I am pleased that the second batch of flu vaccinations went so well on Wednesday, and I would like to thank all of the staff involved for their great organizational skills which ensured a most orderly trail of pupils making their way to and from the Chapel to receive their vaccinations.

​​​​​​​The recent announcement in Wales that GCSE examinations will not take place next summer should highlight once again the importance to pupils in Years 11 and 13 of submitting work of the appropriate standard to their teachers, so that if a grade has to be entered on their behalf it would be reflective of the grade that they would wish to get in the summer examinations. This is a repeat of what I said to them at the beginning of September and it is just as valid now.

The spirit at Bethany remains as strong and positive as ever and I remain very impressed with the quality of teaching and learning that continues to take place in spite of the challenges that lie outside of our control.

I read this the other day, and it is so true. “Worrying works, more than 90% of the things that I worry about never happen.” If we all really only worried about the things that were worth worrying about we would all worry a lot less.

Yours sincerely,

​​​​​​​Francie Healy