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Home / Latest News / Pupils battle it out in Tag Archery Enrichment sessions
All pupils have been enjoying their weekly enrichment sessions on Thursday afternoons and arguably none more so than Team 21 who took part in the Bethany Tag Archery activity.
There are two teams who compete against each other to see who can win the most points. The points are: 1 point for a hit on target, 2 points for hitting a person and 3 points for catching an arrow in mid air. Each team has an allocated zone with two inflatable barricades and they shoot each other from these zones. There is a neutral zone in the middle where arrows can be retrieved and no one can be shot.
As the arrows have padded tips, and each participant wears a helmet, there is very little danger. It is not the Hunger Games!
The video below shows an excellent diving ‘three pointer’!
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Many thanks to Jake, a Bethany School Sixth Former who has been teaching a number of the lessons this term and who showing everyone how to accurately shoot.
It has been a very popular activity for Enrichment and Team 22 will now have the opportunity to battle it out in next weeks session.