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How to make the most out of revision

Our weekly blog has been written by Mr Bolton, Head of Key Stage 4, who advises on how to get the most out of revision by keeping active, getting creative and eating the best brain power foods.

Revision: A guide to support your child at KS4

With GCSE examinations well under way, it may be that you are approaching this half term considering how you can support your child in their active revision at home. I am pleased to say that revision has certainly moved in a more focussed direction since I was at school. Research indicates that copying notes from a text book will not necessarily support examination success and instead here are some top tips on how to build on memory recall and examination technique for your child this half term.

Why not try these examples of Active Learning?

Memory techniques: Roman Room

Mentally picture a room in your house and select several items in it. For example: your bedroom = your bed, your lamp, your PC, your wardrobe… The basis of the Roman Room system is that things to be remembered are associated with these objects, so that by recalling the objects within the room, all the associated objects can also be remembered.

Making Revision Cards

Revision cards are a popular revision resource. The idea is you summarise Some information on a blank post card or post it note (front and back if necessary). You can make them by going to

Some final revision tips for success

Get your child you share their revision timetable so you can help by allowing a studious atmosphere.

All of the techniques above are not exclusively for Year 11. I am certain any child in any year at Bethany School would be grateful for your input in their revision!

Mr Bolton
Head of Year 11