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This week has been Diversity Week at Bethany and we have had a fantastic week with numerous opportunities to learn more about each other and the world that we live in.
All year groups have listened to a Chapel service about our diverse community led by members of the School Council on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee. This told us how important our differences are and that these are what makes the world both an interesting place and helps it to function. We also learnt that understanding our differences benefits us all.
Activities took place in lesson and tutor time to continue this theme forward. Worthy of special note are Mr Roberts tutor group who produced and presented an excellent assembly to all of year 10 on notable diversity champions from history. The DLS department asked students in year 7 and 8 to make scribble posters all about themselves and what made them particularly unique. 8L worked with Mr Norman to create some logos that could be used for Bethany’s ‘Pride’ group with some fantastic results. All pupils in year 7 & 8 took part in a whole day of project based learning on Thursday organised by Mr Beckham. Pupils researched disability sports such as goal ball and then worked in groups to create their own new sport for people with a disability to play. This was a great chance for pupils to explore what it means to have a physical disability and learn to work in teams.
8L design a Pride logo for Bethany in DT
Scribble posters – what makes me unique by year 7 & 8 DLS pupils
Playing a traditional Indonesian game with Mrs Sanjaya
One of the slides from the year 10 assembly, planned and presented by Mr Robert’s tutor group
Lunchtime activities have included a session with Mrs Sanjaya where pupils were able to experience playing a traditional Indonesian game, watching films such as ‘Hidden Figures’ with Mr Hampton (the popcorn was much appreciated and added extra enjoyment to this wonderful film) and ‘The Healing Powers of Dude’ with Mrs Harper. The LGBT+ group spent time hiding rocks with positive messages around the school for people to find on Wednesday. Last but by no means least, Mrs Rendall-Jones hosted an International Music Quiz to round off the week.
In tutor time, pupils were given the chance to learn more about neurodiverse minds, particularly looking at Autistic Spectrum Condition, through watching and discussing programmes such as ‘A Kind of Spark’ and ‘My Autistic Mind’. Gaining an understanding of the challenges some pupils face in their every day lives is a good lesson for us all. On Friday, we all listened to a talk by young ambassadors from the LGBT+ charity ‘Just Like Us’ which was also thought provoking and enlightening.
Our school caterers, Holyroyd Howe, have treated us to some food from countries represented by pupils currently at the school. We enjoyed kimchee from Korea, sweet and sour pork from China, boeuf bourguignon from France, kaiser spaetzle from Germany, jollof rice from Nigeria and chicken kiev from the Ukraine to name but a few. There were many clean plates and full tummies!
FoBS organised a well-received cake stall on Monday at first break, with parents sending in cakes from all different countries so that we could taste something new. This included sweet treats from Portugal, Greece, USA, Ukraine, RSA and New Zealand and raised a fantastic £94 for our charity ‘Porchlight’.
During Diversity week, some Year 8 pupils spent time in English lessons thinking about the importance of celebrating difference in each other, and why it is important that we are true to ourselves and are the people that we want to be, no matter what others may think. They then had some fun, using Jenny Joseph’s poem When I am an Old Woman I shall Wear Purple as inspiration, imagining their future selves and the caution they would throw to the wind to be their authentic selves. A few fabulous examples can be found here:
Friday afternoon saw the school from year 7 – 10 undertake an activity to challenge stereotypes and then we were able to meet on the field for our Colour Run. This was again to aid the charity ‘Porchlight’ that supports homeless and vulnerable people in Kent. There is still time to donate to this worthwhile charity using the following link:
It would be brilliant to raise a good amount of money before the end of term to support the work of this charity, especially as we all enjoyed running and getting sprayed with canons of colourful paint powder!