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Home / Latest News / Bethany boarders enjoy outing to Brooklands Museum
On Saturday 15th October, the full boarders had the first of their three annual compulsory outings where the aim is to offer them something cultural and, hopefully, interesting and/or entertaining.
We decided to go for a new venue this time around so, after a hearty brunch, set off by coach to Brooklands Museum, the birthplace of motor racing, a powerhouse of British engineering, and home to one of the world’s most extraordinary collections of historic cars, aircraft, buses and motorbikes, with their roots embedded in this site. You may also know Brooklands from the TV series, Secrets of the Transport Museum.
The boarders enjoyed exhibitions including the Motoring Village, the Racing Legends of Brooklands, the History of the British Grand Prix, and McLaren: Driven by Design, together with the Brooklands Aircraft Factory and Flight Shed, the London Bus Museum and, the highlight for those lucky enough to secure the limited number of tickets, the Concorde Experience.
It was great to hear the boarders asking some really interesting questions to the curators throughout the visit, and the feedback from all them was very positive indeed as we returned to School at the end of the trip having had a thoroughly enjoyable day out.
Mr Vickerman
Housemaster – The Mount